Toronto-based osteopath and entrepreneur Dr. Liza Egbogah (BSc, DC, DOMP) is a leading posture expert on a mission to make feeling good look effortlessly chic.
About Dr. Liza
A Groundbreaking Brand Built On Looking Great & Living Well
After spending more than a decade of treating Toronto’s busiest clients in the city’s financial district, Dr. Liza wondered why beauty always had to equal pain when it came to footwear and accessories. Couldn’t comfort and chic coexist?
Guided by this question, she set out to create a line of shoes and bags crafted with good looks and self-care in mind. Since then, dr LIZA Shoes and Bags has grown to include a variety of eye-catching styles that fashion editors love, and customers can’t get enough of.
An Investment In Yourself
dr LIZA Shoes and Bags are manufactured in Brazil - a country renowned for its accessory-making, using high-quality locally-sourced leather. Each piece is designed with a wealth of therapeutic features and are made well to be well worn. This is comfort without compromise and beauty without boundaries – read more about the science and craft behind our products here.
dr LIZA shoes are the only heels and flats clinically tested with 3D gait scan technology to ensure that your weight is evenly distributed, your arches supported to prevent over-pronation and your feet perfectly cushioned to prevent pressure points. So not only will you look amazing, but you’ll also feel amazing.